Universal damped capacitive voltage divider

The universal damped capacitive voltage measuring dividers are used to measure the impulse voltage, AC voltage and DC voltage, to convert the high voltage into a measurable and processable value for a transient recorder or peak voltmeter.
The performance of a universal capacitor voltage divider is mainly determined by the damping of the high-voltage circuit.
Our dividers are designed to fulfill all requirements of IEC standard 60060-2.

The high-voltage capacitor is made of single units of solid polypropylene capacitors immersed in oil.
Single capacitor packages are connected in series with the inserted damping resistors. The components are housed in fiber-glass cylinders with metal flanges.
For higher voltages several high-voltage capacitors are connected in series.
In parallel to the HV capacitors is present a pure resistive arm for the measure of the DC voltage. This resistance is composed by several resistors in series, realized with Ayrton- Perry technology. This solution allow to increase the total power of the DC resistance and reduce the inductance.
The low-voltage arm is located at the lower end of the divider.
Its compact and coaxial design and its parallel configuration of low-voltage capacitors, provides a very low inductance value and high protection against electrical noise.
The termination resistor for the connection of a 75 Ω measuring cable (triaxial) is included.
The divider has to be connected to a high-impedance measuring system (transient recorder or peak voltmeter ≥ 1 MΩ, ≤ 100 pF).
On the low voltage arm is located the earthing terminal that is realized with 2 metallic plates to optimize the connection to the earth through copper strips.
At the top of the HV arm there is the top electrode that as standard is realized with as double toroid.
Between the two toroid of the top electrode is placed the external damping resistor. The top electrode is designed and optimized for the rated voltages and wave shapes.

A.M.E. certifies the divider performance by different internal test and calibration procedures according to IEC 60060-2.
In addition to the internal test report, A.M.E. can provide an official calibration certificate issued by the RSE calibration laboratory
The RSE calibration laboratory is accredited by the Italian Accreditation Body ACCREDIA.


02BIStab1 Electrical

*Negative switching impulse. The positive SI requires a special top electrode



02BIStab2 overall


Impulse voltage measuring consisting of:

  •  High-voltage arm
  • Base frame with wheels (air cushions under request)
  • Low-voltage arm mounted on base frame
  • Measuring cable (Z = 75 Ω, l = 15÷35 m)
  • Connection point for high voltage and earthing connection
  • Top electrode designed for LI rated voltage
  • Bracing with fiber-glass rods, if necessary
  • Technical Documentation
  • Maintenance user manual
  • Internal Calibration Certificate


  •  Adaptation to other output low voltages
  • Adaptation for different cable impedances
  • Other lengths of measuring cable
  • Special top electrode for SI positive voltage 250/2500
  • ACCREDIA calibration certificate


