Digital impulse acquisition and analysis system Ametest dias

The Digital Impulse Analysis System “DIAS” is able to perform the following measurement:

  • Measurement of voltage lightning impulses LI
  • Measurement of voltage chopped impulses LIC
  • Measurement of voltage switching impulses SI
  • Measurement of current impulses
  • Calculation and elaboration of impulses parameters

The DIAS is a digital impulse analyzer with a modular and expandable design. It is the brain of the impulse voltage and impulse current measuring system.
The device can be used for measurement and analysis of full and chopped lightning or switching impulse voltages.
- The DIAS system is designed as rack/desk mounting in stationary applications for labs, typically integrated inside the impulse test systems control unit
The DIAS is heavily protected against EMC/EMP that can occur during impulse chopping voltage testing and impulse current testing.
The DIAS is according to standards as IEC 60060-1 and -2, 60044, 60076, 60099, 60694,
61083-1 and -2, 62271, 62475, IEEE and GOST standards.
The evaluation software is already able to perform analysis for impulse test on transformers, cables, bushings, surge arresters.

Main applications are:
Routine and type testing on components as transformers, cables, GIS, bushings, etc. Factory testing
Research, university and reference measurement
Main features are:
Measuring and displaying impulse voltage and current waves and evaluating impulse parameters for peak voltage, current, time, oscillations and over-shoot
Storing csv and processed data for evaluation and comparison of results from different tests
The DIAS is used with HV components as Impulse generators, dividers or shunts from
In fact the DIAS unit is ready for the connection with control software system of AMETEst Impulse Generators to allow the auto-tuning of the impulse voltage. It means that at the insertion of the requested BIL voltage, at the first impulse, the software will measure the real impulse voltage and will calculate the efficiency of the generator. With this system the next impulse will be exactly the requested BIL value.


