Industrial Automation

Elettra's activity starts from the design, development of electrical diagrams up to the assembly, wiring and testing of electrical equipment. This gives totally flexible projects applicable to any type of automation system, guaranteeing technical quality in the construction of electrical panels and the construction of plant engineering, easy maintenance interventions, lower hardware /software design costs.
Industrial automation has always played a key role in the world of industry for the improvement of product processing; an improvement that also translates into optimization of production, energy saving, and lowering the percentage of accident risk in the workplace.

Automation solutions aimed at increasing the productivity and efficiency of industrial processes include:

  • Control of automation panels on complete lines and single machines used for industrial production, on-board wiring to provide reliable and flexible individual parts that make up an industrial process.
  • Realization of systems for the automation of lines, operating machines and systems, through the use of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and supervision systems.
  • Replacement of relay systems, or dedicated electronics, of machines and systems, with programmable logic (PLC), through integrated interventions of a feasibility study, executive design, realization and start-up.
  • Creation of systems for speed and position control, continuous lines, and operating machines, using ca/cc converters and latest generation inverters, integrated with PLC systems and connected supervisors through a dedicated network.
  • Adaptation of machine safety, both imported and obsolete, in accordance with Directive 2006/42.
  • After-sales assistance, through scheduled periodic maintenance, or through on-call interventions.