Present at Ecomondo 2020

The Elettra Technical Division will be present as a "visitor" at Ecomondo 2020, which will be held from 3 to 6 November 2020 at the Rimini Exhibition Centre, to participate in the industrial and technological innovation of the circular economy: Industrial automation from the ecodesign of digitalization products, from the recovery and enhancement of waste to the efficiency of production sectors, from the reclamation and redevelopment of contaminated sites to the regeneration of areas at hydrological risk. There will also be a space dedicated to start-ups that offer services/products dedicated to the world of greentech and sustainability.
Research, innovation, new technologies, public green economy policies and private investments: Italy deploys its intelligence with a business ecosystem that intends to play a crucial role in the economic and social rebirth of the country, and wants to show it off in this 24th edition of Ecomondo.